Defined Goals
Helping Districts Measure Student Progress Towards Portrait of a Graduate Goals
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, setting and measuring your students' Portrait or Profile of a Graduate (POG) goals is more critical than ever. Defined Goals helps schools and districts achieve this by combining high-quality content with an assessment system aligned to your key goals.
Defined Goals provides enhanced data and analytics on student, school, and district performance toward your POG goals and helps you leverage our solutions to drive learning forward.
See how Defined Goals can help improve your POG outcomes, support educator success, and simplify school operations. Watch Now >
How it Works
Defined Goals Analytics and Insights
See how the enhanced data and analytics from Defined Goals can help you unlock insights and leverage our PBL solutions to support student success toward your Portrait or Profile of a Graduate goals.

Empowering Students to Meet Their Graduation Goals
One of the most effective ways schools and districts are embedding their Portrait of a Graduate goals into curriculum and instruction is the use of Project-Based Learning. Projects can be explicitly designed to build and assess any of the POG competencies.
In this guide by PBL expert John Larmer, he shares how project-based learning is key to helping schools and districts embed their Portrait of a Graduate goals into the daily teaching and learning in every classroom. Download the Guide

Why Choose Defined Goals?
Let Defined help you unlock your district's potential and empower your students with the knowledge and skills they need for graduation.
Schedule a call to learn how we can help you meet your goals and put your students on a pathway to a promising future.