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Deeper Learning in Computer Science & STEM 

Computer science and STEM are essential for almost every career in today’s world and are key to expanding opportunities for all students. Our mission is to help educators provide K-12 students with meaningful learning opportunities in computer science and STEM. 

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computer science in the classroom

Our Evidence-Based Approach

Defined provides teachers and students with computer science and STEM projects that are based on authentic situations in STEM careers. Each project asks students to conduct a performance task using their classroom knowledge and skills to solve a real-world problem.

Defined's engaging projects excite students about computer science and STEM careers and empower them to build the future-ready skills they need to succeed.


Career-Connected Computer Science and STEM Projects for K-12

Take a look!

Empower Teachers with Research-Based Programs 

School districts across the country are driving student engagement and achievement in computer science through hands-on PBL.  

To learn more about how educators are making computer science learning meaningful through PBL, read the latest research...

Read the White Paper


Put Your Students on a Path to a Promising Future

Help your students explore computer science and learn how it can impact their lives and open up a door of opportunities. Connect with us to learn more!

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