Meet The Demands Of
Georgia's Standards For Science
Real-world project-based learning is well suited to meeting the educational goals of Georgia’s Standards of Excellence. PBL provides opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills and create solutions to real-life situations — the essence of the Standards.
Defined Learning provides an online library of pre-built STANDARDS-ALIGNED PROJECT-BASED LESSONS to help students meet the expectations of the Standards. Each project is based on a situation in a relevant career to help students connect classroom content to career pathways. We provide all of the resources teachers need to implement HIGH-QUALITY REAL-WORLD PBL including grade-specific lessons, guidance documents, and robust professional development on Defined Learning and effective teaching strategies for PBL within the classroom.
Here are a few of our teachers’ favorite performance tasks that align to Georgia’s Standards that you can use (FREE) in your classroom this year:
As you look to enhance your curriculum with resources that meet Georgia’s Academic Standards, please consider Defined Learning.
Success Stories

Through Defined Learning’s real-world performance tasks, teachers can engage their students in meaningful learning and authentic assessment – and that is the best preparation for the world outside of school.
Jay McTighe, nationally recognized educator and award-winning author