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Meghan Raftery
Meghan Raftery

Instructional Leader

Meghan Raftery is a freelance educator specializing in authentic learning experiences for students and teachers. She is passionate about treating students and educators with dignity and humanity, creating learning experiences and environments that mirror the outside world as it ought to be. 

Meghan’s commitment to Defined began about ten years ago when she was serving as a curriculum coordinator for Virginia Beach City Public Schools and worked with a team to adopt the resource to include more performance tasks in the elementary science and social studies curriculum. She continued to use Defined as a school/community partnerships coordinator and innovation coordinator for the district. Since 2017, Meghan has led professional learning for Defined across the country and has written hundreds of tasks for a variety of levels, subject areas, and careers.  (She likes to encourage Defined users to stump her with a career she cannot come up with a task idea for!)

Currently, Meghan serves her community as a freelance educator and author, managing a micro-credential program for the Virginia affiliate of the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), serving as program director for the CROP Foundation, a nonprofit organization that creates opportunities for young people interested in the culinary arts, and hosting Edjacent, a design collaborative for educator entrepreneurs and thought leaders. She has two wildly entertaining sons, Jude (10) and Pete (7) and is currently learning to play the accordion with her wildly entertaining husband, Kevin.